Batman - 4K Ultra HD

Batman - 4K Ultra HD


After witnessing his parents brutal murder as a child, millionaire-philanthropist Bruce Wayne pledges his life to fighting crime disguised as Batman. His long-time nemesis, The Joker, has sinister plans for the citizens of Gotham City. His greed is matched by his obsession with photojournalist Vicki Vale. But Batman is there to counter the Joker's every move. With the fate of Gotham and Vicki in the balance, will good or evil prevail?Extras: Music Videos, Batman: The Complete Robin Storyboard Sequence, Beyond Batman: Nocturnal Overtures: The Music of Batman, Beyond Batman: From Jack to the Joker, Beyond Batman: Designing the Batsuit, Beyond Batman: Those Wonderful Toys - The Props & Gadgets of Batman, Beyond Batman: Building the Batmobile, Beyond Batman: Visualizing Gotham - The Production Design of Batman, Batman: The Villains - Bob the Goon, Batman: The Villains - The Joker, Batman: The Heroes - Harvey Dent, Batman: The Heroes - Commissioner Gordon, Batman: The Heroes - Alexander KNox, Batman: The Heroes - Vicki Vale, Batman: The Heroes - Batman, Shadows of the Bat: The Cinematic Saga of the Dark Knight, On Set With Bob Kane, Legends of the Dark Knight, Theatrical Trailer, Commentary by Tim Burton.

23.87 €   28.14 €

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