
Batman Returns - 4K Ultra HD
Gotham City faces two monstrous criminal menaces: the bizarre, sinister Penguin (Danny DeVito) and the slinky, mysterious Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer). Can Batman (Michael Keaton) battle two formidable foes at once? Especially when one wants to be ayor and the other is romantically attracted to Gotham's hero? Like the 1989 ground-breaking original, Batman Returns is directed by the moviemaking wizard Tim Burton. And like the first blockbuster, it's a dazzling adventure that leaves you breathless.Extras: Commentary by Tim Burton, The Bat, The Cat & the Penguin, Shadows of the Bat: The Cinematic Saga of the Dark Knight, Batman: The Heroes - Batman, Batman: The Heroes - Alfred, Batman: The Villains - The Penguin, Batman: The Villains- Catwoman, Batman: The Villains - max Shreck, Beyond Batman: Gotham City Revisited: The Production Design of Batman Returns, Beyond Batman: Sleek, Sexy & Sinister: The Costumes of Batman Returns, Beyond Batman: Making-up the Penguin, Beyond Batman: Assembling the Arctic Army, Beyond Batman: Bats, Mattes & Dark Knights: The Visual Effects of Batman, Beyond Batman: Inside the Elfman Studios: The Music of Batman Returns, Face to face Music Video by Siouxsie and the Banshees, Theatrical Trailer
23.87 € 28.14 €