Twin Peaks: A Limited Event Series

Twin Peaks: A Limited Event Series


A quarter century after revolutionising television, Twin Peaks returns. Expanding the world you thought you knew, this limited event series takes you places wonderful, strange and farther out. This Blu-ray™ collection includes all 18 parts of the Showtime series, plus a wealth of exclusive, behind-the-scenes special features that will show you what's behind the red curtain and the making of this extraordinary television event.Special Features:SERIES PROMOS PRODUCED BY DAVID LYNCHPianoDonutWoodsPlacesPeopleAlbertIn CinemaPHENOMENONCreationLife After DeathRenaissanceIMPRESSIONS: A JOURNEY BEHIND THE SCENES OF TWIN PEAKSThe Man With The Gray Elevated HairTell It MartinTwo Blue BallsThe Number Of CompletionBad BinocularsSee You On The Other Side Dear FriendDo Not Pick Up HitchhikersA Bloody Finger In Your MouthThe Polish AccountantA Pot Of Boiling OilIncludes:COMIC CON TWIN PEAKS PANELA VERY LOVELY DREAM: ONE WEEK IN TWIN PEAKSRICHARD BEYMER FILMSRANCHO ROSA LOGOSBEHIND-THE-SCENES PHOTO GALLERY

39.22 €   55.43 €

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