


Stares Death Straight In The Face Without Flinching... Can You?We have a right to a few minutes of fame even if they are our last so believe the two filmmakers we follow in Suicide. They don't wish to question why people want to immortalise their suicidal deaths, they just offer an opportunity to become the focus of attention at least once in their lives...As the filmmakers become torn between sympathy for their customers and greed for the money they're being paid, how far will they go?. By filming the events are they becoming accomplices to the deaths? and by watching, how drawn do we become? Suicide exploits the camera in an ultra-real way and challenge our emotions more and more with each episode, an experience shared by the cast and crew during production. Every scene was shot in one take, this had to be enough because the actors and crew were so moved that they couldn't bear trying it a second time...

8.52 €   10.23 €

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