Star Wars - Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Star Wars - Episode VI - Return of the Jedi


The Empire prepares to crush the Rebellion with a more powerful Death Star. The Rebel fleet counters with a massive attack on the space station. Luke Skywalker confronts Darth Vader in a final climactic duel.Special Features:Audio Commentary By George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt, and Dennis MurenArchival Audio Commentary By The Cast And CrewEpisode VI: Return Of The Jedi Bonus DiscConversations: The EffectsDiscoveries From Inside: The Sounds of Ben BurttClassic Creatures: Return Of The JediRevenge Of The Jedi Teaser TrailerReturn Of The Jedi Launch TrailerIt Began TV SpotClimactic Chapter TV SpotTatooine OverviewEndor OverviewHarrison Ford InterviewDeath Star II Space Battle OverviewVader's Arrival And Reaching Out To LukeTatooine SandstormRebel Raid On The BunkerJerjerrod's ConflictBattle Of Endor: The Lost RebelsRancor MaquetteEV-9D9Salacious B. CrumbC-3PO's Head With Eye Poked OutLeia's Boussh CostumeLando Skiff Guard CostumeJabba's Radio-Controlled EyesAT-ST Walker ModelSpeeder BikeImperial Shuttle ModelEwok Hang Glider MaquetteImperial Shuttle Landing Matte PaintingEndor Landing Platform Matte PaintingEwok CostumeBiker Scout CostumeB-wing Fighter ModelTIE Interceptor ModelDeath Star Under Construction ModelImperial Shuttle Bay Matte PaintingAdmiral Ackbar CostumeDeath Star Equator Docking Bay Matte PaintingMillennium Falcon In Hangar Matte PaintingJabba's Palace, Road Creature Matte PaintingSarlacc Pit Matte Painting

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