
River Cottage Road Trip
After a busy summer at River Cottage HQ, culminating in the somewhat surreal Scarecrow Festival, Hugh needs a break and decides to head north to Scotland and the Lake District. Inevitably, though, he simply can't help searching out the finest local ingredients and regional recipes to bring home, so his quest for rest and relaxation turns into a research and development mission. He throws himself into haggis-hunting in the Borders and char-fishing on Lake Coniston, tirelessly pursues the finest Cumbrian damsons and the original Yorkshire curd tart, as well as cooking up all sorts of delicious dishes with the talented regional cooks he meets on his travels. On the way home, he even stops off in Birmingham to investigate the delights of curried goat. Back at River Cottage HQ, this spicy dish becomes the main course in an extravagant Caribbean-themed feast, which also features a dangerous rum punch and a mysterious meaty broth known as mannish water. Try it if you dare...
11.08 € 20.03 €