Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased): The Complete Series

Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased): The Complete Series


One of ITC's best-loved series, Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) took the standard private eye formula and turned it on its head by making one of the partners a ghost! Starring Mike Pratt as the earthy, rugged Jeff Randall and Kenneth Cope as his late partner Marty Hopkirk, the glamour is supplied by Annette Andre as Marty's wife Jean. With whimsically dramatic scripts by Ralph Smart (Danger Man), Donald James (The Champions), Tony Williamson (The Avengers), Ray Austin (Space: 1999) and Gerald Kelsey (Department S), the scene is set for quirky plots, suspense, thrills and action.Special Features Include:Randall and Hopkirk (Revisited): An exclusive documentary on the origins and production of Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased).Mike Pratt Remembered: A warm-hearted appreciation by co-stars and crew.Behind-the-scenes footageCommentaries on selected episodesPR, Behind-the-Scenes and Episodic Image Galleries with accompanying suites of Edwin Astley's musicand much more!

32.40 €   40.08 €

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