
Once Upon A Time Season 5
Darkness and Light. One conceals, the other reveals, but each is infinitely seductive. Prepare for the ultimate battle between these epic opposing forces in ABC Studios' Once Upon a Time: The Complete Fifth Season. When the Saviour becomes the Dark Swan, the lines between good and evil blur as Emma begins to relish the intoxicating taste of absolute power. Terrified she'll succumb, Emma and Hook visit Camelot to find the one person who may be able to aid them: Merlin. Unfortunately, King Arthur proves treacherous, and when he joins forces with a vengeful Zelena, Emma and Hook's hopes are shattered. Now Emma and her entire Storybrooke family must embark on a chilling descent to the Underworld of Hades, where they'll try to rescue Hook from a fate worse than death...with help from Rumplestiltskin. But will any of them survive the journey? Treat yourself to all 23 riveting episodes of Season 5. Plus, indulge your senses with never-before-seen bonus features as you share the romance, relive the magic and unlock the secrets of Once Upon a Time.The Dark Swan With Commentary By Co-Creators/Executive Producers Edward Kitsis And Adam Horowitz & Actor Jennifer Morrison Birth With Commentary By Executive Producer/Writer David H. Goodman, Producer/Writer Jerome Schwartz And Actor Colin O'DonoghueThe Fairest Bloopers Of Them AllTales from the Underworld: A Knight with CruellaMerida In Storybrooke • Once Celebrates One HundredDeleted Scenes: Savior Remains, Dad Duty, Trivial Pursuits, Fork In The Past, Safe & Cloud, Enchantment, Another Option, Reality Check, Unappetizing, Belle Of The Box & Two Halves
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