
Heartbeat - The Complete Fifteenth Series


Set in rural North Yorkshire during the 1960s, Heartbeat's combination of crime and medical storylines, charismatic regular characters and wonderfully nostalgic soundtrack made it staple Sunday-night viewing for two decades, with the series' many prestigious awards including Best Performing Peak-Time Drama and several ITV Programme of the Year awards. Attracting a peak audience of 14 million, Heartbeat has garnered a devoted following and remains prime-time viewing world-wide.This series sees more challenging situations arising for Aidensfield's police and medical staff, as PC Phil Bellamy faces personal trauma during a hunt for two escaped prisoners, Dr Helen Trent finds herself under suspicion in a suspected case of mercy-killing, and Sgt Miller is involved in a tragedy that leaves his career hanging in the balance. Guest stars include Peter Vaughan, George Cole, Elizabeth Spriggs, Leslie Phillips, Phyllis Logan and Tim Brooke-Taylor.Special Feature - Heartbeat Christmas Album documentary from 2005

27.28 €   50.31 €

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