A Blade in the Dark

A Blade in the Dark


Lamberto Bava may be best known for the lunatic lacerations of his DEMONS franchise but A BLADE IN THE DARK is, arguably, his most terrifying offering to date!A giallo blood-opera, which features some of the most gruelling sequences in the genre's vast canon, A BLADE IN THE DARK holes up a talented composer in a spacious Tuscany retreat. Unfortunately, a maniac is prowling the immediate environment and no one, including our heroic musician, is safe from this hack-happy psychopath's collection of dangerously sharp weapons.Co-starring the legendary Michele Soavi (later the director of STAGEFRIGHT and THE CHURCH) and written by the equally iconic twosome of Dardano Sacchetti and Elisa Briganti (ZOMBIE FLESH-EATERS/ THE BEYOND), A BLADE IN THE DARK is one of the finest gore-epics from the halcyon days of Italian horror madness now restored in 4K UHD from the original camera negatives in both the Director's and Extended Cuts via Seamless Branching.Brand new 4K Remaster from the Original NegativesHigh Definition (1080p) Blu-ray presentation in 1.66:1 Aspect RatioIncludes Directors Approved Cut (97 Mins)Also Includes Extended TV Cut (109 Mins)2.0 English Mono2.0 Italian Mono (with English Subtitles)Audio Commentary with Eugenio Ercolani and Troy Howarth (Director's Version)Bava's Blade - An Interview with Director Lamberto BavaLighting the Blade - An Interview with Cinematographer Gianlorenzo Battaglia[Archive] Q&A with Lamberto Bava[Archive] Interview with Cinematographer Gianlorenzo BattagliaExploitation Mogul - An Interview with Producer Mino LoyoItalian Opening and Closing CreditsEnglish TrailerItalian Trailer

25.15 €

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