The Wicker Man 50th Anniversary 4K Ultra HD SteelBook (includes Blu-ray)

The Wicker Man 50th Anniversary 4K Ultra HD SteelBook (includes Blu-ray)


THE WICKER MAN has had an enduring fascination for audiences since its release in 1973. A unique and bone-fide horror masterpiece, brilliantly scripted by Anthony Schaffer (Sleuth, Frenzy) and featuring an astounding performance by the legendary Christopher Lee. Director Robin Hardy's atmospheric use of location, unsettling imagery and haunting soundtrack gradually builds to one of the most terrifying and iconic climaxes in modern cinema.When a young girl mysteriously disappears, Police Sergeant Howie (Edward Woodward) travels to a remote Scottish island to investigate. But this pastoral community , led by the strange Lord Summerisle (Christopher Lee) is not what it seems as the devoutley religious detective soon uncovers a secret society of wanton lust and pagan blasphemy. Can Howie now stop the cults ultimate sacrifice before he himself comes face to face with the horror of THE WICKER MAN?4K Disk 1FEATURE - THE FINAL CUTRevisiting the locations of The Wicker ManThe Wicker Man at 50Robin Hardy's Script - The Lost EndingInterview with Britt EklandWorshipping The Wicker ManThe Music of The Wicker ManInterview with Robin Hardy (2013)Interview with Robin Hardy & Christopher Lee (1979)New TrailerBehind the Scenes Stills GalleryBurnt Offering: The Cult of the Wicker ManWicker Man Enigma4K Disk 2FEATURE - THE DIRECTOR'S CUTFEATURE - THE THEATRICAL CUTAudio Commentary with Robin Hardy, Christopher Lee and Edward WoodwardMaking of The CommentaryBlu-ray Disk 1FEATURE - THE FINAL CUTRevisiting the locations of The Wicker ManThe Wicker Man at 50Robin Hardy's Script - The Lost EndingInterview with Britt EklandWorshipping The Wicker ManThe Music of The Wicker ManInterview with Robin Hardy (2013)Interview with Robin Hardy & Christopher Lee (1979)New TrailerBehind the Scenes Stills GalleryBurnt Offering: The Cult of the Wicker ManWicker Man EnigmaBlu-ray Disk 2FEATURE - THE DIRECTOR'S CUTFEATURE - THE THEATRICAL CUTAudio Commentary with Robin Hardy, Christopher Lee and Edward WoodwardMaking of The Commentary

40.08 €

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