Voyage Of The Damned

Voyage Of The Damned


Directed by Stuart Rosenberg (Brubaker, The Drowning Pool) Voyage of the Damned chronicles the tragic circumstances surrounding 937 German Jewish refugees who leave Nazi-occupied German, to learn that nobody wants them. The seller cast includes Faye Duane (Bonnie and Clyde, The Thomas Crown Affair), Max Von Sydow (The Seventh Seal, The Exorcist), Malcolm McDowell (A Clockwork Orange, If ...), Orson Welles (Citizen Kane, The Third Man), James Mason (Odd Man Out, The Man in Grey), Lee Grant (Mulholland Drive, Damien: Owen II) and Katharine Ross (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Donnie Darko). Nominated for three Oscars, Voyage of the Dammed also won Katherine Ross a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress.937 Jewish Germans believe they are offered a safe haven in Havana, Cuba. They depart Hamburg in high spirits looking forward to their new life away from the sinister clutches of the Third Reich. Some are concentration camp victims, others survivors of the 'The Night of Broken Glass'. Some want to join relatives in Cuba, others are wealthy enough to afford the journey but leave behide in order to escape the Nazi genocide. The passengers are unaware that the voyage is a sham, simply one of Josef Goebbels' propaganda exercises. Experience the tragic nightmare of the passengers as the world turns its back on them in this thought-provoking drama based on a true story featuring an impressive cast of Hollywood legends., Directed by Stuart Rosenberg (Brubaker, The Drowning Pool) Voyage of the Damned chronicles the tragic circumstances surrounding 937 German Jewish refugees who leave Nazi-occupied German, to learn that nobody wants them. The seller cast includes Faye Duane (Bonnie and Clyde, The Thomas Crown Affair), Max Von Sydow (The Seventh Seal, The Exorcist), Malcolm McDowell (A Clockwork Orange, If ...), Orson Welles (Citizen Kane, The Third Man), James Mason (Odd Man Out, The Man in Grey), Lee Grant (Mulholland Drive, Damien: Owen II) and Katharine Ross (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Donnie Darko). Nominated for three Oscars, Voyage of the Dammed also won Katherine Ross a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress.937 Jewish Germans believe they are offered a safe haven in Havana, Cuba. They depart Hamburg in high spirits looking forward to their new life away from the sinister clutches of the Third Reich. Some are concentration camp victims, others survivors of the 'The Night of Broken Glass'. Some want to join relatives in Cuba, others are wealthy enough to afford the journey but leave behide in order to escape the Nazi genocide. The passengers are unaware that the voyage is a sham, simply one of Josef Goebbels' propaganda exercises. Experience the tragic nightmare of the passengers as the world turns its back on them in this thought-provoking drama based on a true story featuring an impressive cast of Hollywood legends.Special Features:Digitally Restored Feature Film.Image Gallery.Original Theatrical Trailer.

10.23 €   13.21 €

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