Seinfeld - The Complete Series

Seinfeld - The Complete Series


The Complete Series 1 to 9 Box Set contains all nine seasons of the hugely popular US comedy series that's famously about nothing! Following the events of a group of friends: Jerry Seinfeld, a stand-up comedian who questions every bizarre tid-bit about life; Elaine Benes (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), a flashy woman and book editor who is not afraid to speak her mind; Cosmo Kramer (Michael Richards), an extremely eccentric, lanky goofball and George Costanza (Jason Alexander), a hard-luck member of the New York Yankees organisation; this critics favourite and cultural phenomenon is a must have for all fans.Bonus Features:Packed with Hilarious Bonus Features Created in Partnership with Jerry Seinfeld:Bonus Disc - featuring the exciting re-union of the entire cast, plus Larry David on the ninth anniversary of the series finaleDocumentaries for all 9 seasonsInside LooksNot That There's Anything Wrong With That (Bloopers)In The Vault (Deleted Scenes)Yada Yada Yada (Commentaries) Sein-imation Notes About Nothing

50.31 €   60.12 €

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