Scorpion: Complete 1-4 Boxset

Scorpion: Complete 1-4 Boxset


Take a group of misfit super-geniuses, one brainy kid, his beautiful mom, a super spy and you have Scorpion. Inspired by the true-life story of a hacker Walter O'Brien,this brilliant, quirky team staring Katharine McPhee (Paige), Elyes Gabel (Walter), Jadyn Wong (Happy), Eddie Kaye Thomas (Toby), Robert Patrick (Cabe), Ari Stidham (Sylvester), and Riley B. Smith (Ralph) combines brainpower, street smarts, and clashing personalities to defend the world against global threats. Now all 94 unforgettable episodes, plus hours of must-see bonus features, are packed into this collectible box set.Special Features include:Meet team ScorpionDeleted scenesUnlikely heroesGag reelsScorpion: The comic bookGeeky gadgetsScorp beatsMock me upAudio commentariesBreaking brillianceDance with meGo with the floCreating reality: visual effectsAnd more!

41.78 €   59.27 €