Geronimo: An American Legend (Standard Edition)


Geronimo: An American Legend recounts the proud history of the famous Apache warrior who refused to accept the destruction of his people and, through his resistance and bravery, earned the respect of those he fought against. Wes Studi (The Last of the Mohicans) gives a dignified central performance as the eponymous Native American hero and is ably supported by Gene Hackman (Cisco Pike), Jason Patric (The Lost Boys), Robert Duvall (Badge 373) and, in an early role, Matt Damon, who all play his adversaries in the US cavalry. Unjustly neglected upon its original release, Geronimo benefits from John Milius and Larry Grosss respectful, considered screenplay which is elevated by the epic sweep of Walter Hills direction. A visually stunning film that beautifully captures the vastness of the frontier landscape, Hills film is given extra poignancy by Ry Cooders moving score.

17.05 €

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