


Joe Wilson, a wrongly jailed man thought to have died in a blaze started by a bloodthirsty lynch mob, is somehow alive. And dead to all he ever stood for and perhaps ever will. Because Joe aims to ensure his would-be executioners meet the fate Joe miraculously escaped. Spencer Tracy is Joe, Sylvia Sidney is his bride-to-be, and Fury lives up to its volatile name with its searing indictment of mob justice and lynching. In his first American film, director Fritz Lang (Metropolis, The Big Heat) combines a passion for justice and a sharp visual style into a landmark of social-conscience filmmaking. In the 49 years before this movie's release, some 6,000 people in the U.S. were victims of lynch mobs. The Fury over those tragedies - and over other injustices to come - remains.On-Disc Special FeaturesCommentary by Peter Bogdanovich, with Audio Interview Excerpts of Director Fritz LangTheatrical Trailer

15.34 €

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