Charmed - Season One

Charmed - Season One


This reboot of the original series centers around sisters Mel (Melonie Diaz) and Maggie Vera (Sarah Jeffery) dealing with the sudden death of their mother. Before they have time to heal from their loss, a surprise shows up on their doorstep in the shape of an older sister -- brilliant geneticist Macy (Madeleine Mantock) whom their mother never told them existed. The emotional stress takes its toll and the girls begin to exhibit impossible new abilities. An explanation comes from an unexpected place: the chair of the women's studies department. Harry Greenwood (Rupert Evans) reveals that the three are powerful witches and he is their whitelighter, there to advise and guide them as they battle dark forces, vanquish supernatural demons, and tear down patriarchy all while maintaining familial bonds. This 5-disc collection includes all 22 episodes from the enchanting first season.Bonus Features The Charmed Life: A Bewitching First Season Gag Reel

21.31 €   30.27 €

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