Black Test Car / The Black Report

Black Test Car / The Black Report


Japanese maverick director Yasuzo Masumura (Blind Beast) helms a bitingly satirical espionage thriller set in the heart of the Japanese auto industry in his 1962 landmark Black Test Car, which launched a series of similarly themed Black films.In a bitter, take-no-prisoners corporate war between the Tiger Motorcar Company and their competitors, the Yamato Company, undercover spies have infiltrated both sides. As Tiger prepares to launch its newest Pioneer car and a prototype bursts into flames, Toru (Hideo Takamatsu, The Last Emperor) heads a secretive task force to root out Yamato's spy, and find out what they can about the competitor's familiar-looking new model.Making its worldwide Blu-ray debut, Black Test Car is paired here with the English-language video premiere of its follow-up The Black Report, also directed by Masumura. High Definition Blu-ray™ (1080p) presentation of Black Test Car and The Black Report Original uncompressed Japanese mono audio on both films Optional newly translated English subtitles on both films Newly recorded critical appreciation by Jonathan Rosenbaum Theatrical trailers for both films Image galleries for both films Reversible sleeve featuring newly commissioned artwork by Tony Stella

23.87 €

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